The General Management, through the Integrated Quality Management System – Pharmacovigilance, set up at our Company, aims to implement, define and document the Company’s policy, and to ensure that the Company’s objectives and commitments are achieved, all within the framework of the continuous improvement of its effectiveness.
This System, therefore, provides and defines
- The tools enable the activities concerned to be carried out in a prearranged and controllable manner, on the basis of objective evidence and with adequate feedback.
- The functions, objectives, responsibilities, and authorities of personnel and the criteria for assigning them, with the relevant information and training plans
Therefore, the Executive Board places at the center of its corporate quality policy all the necessary measures to ensure efficient, reliable operations that meet the needs of the various customers in terms of quality and safety at work:
- Making use of the latest international quality and safety management standards
- Defining common objectives for the entire organization
- Involving all the people in the organization in the achievement of the objectives.
- Favoring internal communication
- By defining the relationships between the different corporate functions, in relation to the data to be collected and the indicators, for the control and evaluation of the processes.
- By understanding the customer’s needs and requirements.
- By verifying all product characteristics, based on current regulations.
- Identifying, quantitatively and qualitatively, the human, technological, instrumental, IT, and work environment resources, necessary for the achievement of quality objectives and for the activities of management, execution, and verification of work and Internal Quality Audits, defining the responsibilities and authority of all personnel who direct, execute and verify activities that influence the company’s “Integrated Quality Management System – Pharmacovigilance”.
- Carrying out an annual Management Review and thus management review of the Integrated Quality Management System – Pharmacovigilance, in order to verify its ongoing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness.
- Formalizing an analysis of the company context in order to assess possible positive or negative impacts on the strategic objectives set.
- By identifying the main stakeholders, identifying their priority needs or expectations, and consequent improvement actions.
- Formalizing a risk and opportunity analysis.
All of the above is formalized in a system of documents forming part of our internal Quality Manual, which outlines the fundamental lines of the program and describes its development.
One aim: to increase customer satisfaction
In order to increase customer satisfaction, Sanitas:
- Identifies the customer’s needs and especially their expectations.
- Makes these needs known to the entire organization, aiming to exceed the customer’s expectations.
- Measures Customer satisfaction and activates actions resulting from the knowledge acquired
- Pays attention to the needs expressed and manages the resulting relationships, adopting, in particular, the methods defined by the Quality system
The quality policy is communicated to all internal company functions, delivering to them the Quality Manual and all the Procedures referred to therein, in order to have them correctly implemented. All corporate functions are also duly trained, recording the relevant activities on special minutes, in order to have objective evidence that the quality policy has been communicated and understood within the organization with due effectiveness.
All this, in order to make the company’s policy, understood at all levels, to facilitate the pursuit of continuous improvement of all processes, in the knowledge that only through the language of data will this be possible:
- Measure objectives and try to achieve them
- Compare the results achieved, with past and planned results
- Review them in order to verify whether and to what extent, the Company is deviating from its overall strategic plans and consequently, to have the real possibility of proposing, implementing, and verifying the necessary corrective actions
Applying the indicators representative of the company’s policy objectives, established by the Quality system.